E-Banking Authentication
User identification
Digital banking is changing so fast with ever-evolving standards, new threats and consumers, who are becoming more demanding. They expect instantaneity and increased mobility. Early signs of a consumers’ growing inclination to do their banking with non-bank entities, like IT and technology companies, are starting to show. Besides that, banks need to reinforce their e-Banking security while ensuring simplicity for their customers. The number of cyberattacks against banks rises daily and so their level of sophistication. In order for banks to meet evolving security and privacy regulations they need to comply with all of the latest regulations, such as FFIEC, MAS, PSD2.

Identification in progress
Gemalto e-Banking Authentication allows banks to protect their customers' identities and transactions at all times. It provides frictionless and convenient authentication process combined with risk management. These solutions that are designed for e-Banking and e-Commerce security allow banks to achieve their digital transformation by reinforcing customers' protection against cyber-attacks. The Gemalto e-Banking solutions are designed to mitigate even the most advanced fraud attacks, but also to help the end-users avoid the most common mistakes.
User is identified
These solutions allow to migrate from static passwords or OTP solutions to Challenge/Response and Transaction signing, while giving your customers a secure and simple way to shop or bank using mobile or hardware.
The benefits of using Gemalto’s solutions:
- Identity verification – Digital document and customer identification on web or mobile session;
- Risk scoring – Assesses the authentication context of a web or mobile session;
- User authentication – Authenticate users strongly with HW or mobile;
- Transaction signing – Sign data of the transactions with HW or mobile.